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Resume Frida Weber

UI Designer / Artist / Illustrator

Hi there,

I am Frida. A UI Designer coming from a creative background as a Tattoo Artist and Make-Up Artist. I was always passionate about helping people transform their ideas into appealing and unique designs, be it a make-up, a hairstyle or a tattoo. My love for pixel perfect designs and utitlize software to achieve these ultimately let me to pursue a career as a UI Designer and I am looking forward to make a positive impact on people's lives through user-centric, visually pleasing designs.

As a Make-Up Artist on set I learned to combine the power of empathy for my actors and actresses while staying within tight schedules and being flexible for spontaneous changes. Teamwork and adaptability is essential on set.
As a Tattoo-Artist I was able to cultivate my passion for unique, custom drawn and individual art work according to my client's wishes. Always driven to learn and improve my skills, I completed a private mentorship for Advanced Concept Art & Visual Storytelling at Lucidpixul.

To complete my skill set and improve future collaboration with developers by understanding the principles of the development process, I decided to also study HTML, CSS and JavaScript, which I enjoy so much that I keep studying and improving my skills. I coded this website from scratch during the Frontend Development Specialization as part of the CareerFoundry Program.


  • Responsive Design
  • Wireframing & Prototyping
  • Illustrations & Sketching
  • Userflows
  • User Personas
  • Typography
  • Usability Testing
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Tools

  • Adobe XD
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Sketch
  • Arstudio Pro
  • Lucid Charts
  • Invision
  • Usability Hub


  • German
  • English
Resume Frida